Sunday, February 2, 2014

Level 75

Hit level 75 today. So I celebrated with Arc and Moncler. Arc is on right Moncler on left.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Level 74!

I hit level 74 tonight so I celebrated with my friend Discount! Here's what we did.

I'm coming lvl 75

Monday, January 27, 2014

More Lineage

So I went to tos to watch the pvp.
They started hitting me and I got killed quicker than I could hit escape. Lesson learned don't go watch pvp lol.

I have been trying to lvl so I figured decent gear could help...
So I made some iron boots, later I'm making some iron gloves. Hopefully I can make them +7.

We'll I got to go peace!

Testing places

So I've been trying to get some money so I tried dragon valley. Then I tried ivory tower. Both not bad xp or money so I like them. Wisper me on lineage zero I am ImLikeABoss!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The house of el

Hey I got it! We'll this is me and my new pledge.

Lineage zero

So I joined this new pledge called The House Of El it's really cool and the leader is risingsun.He is a good Mage and we have got a good little pledge going on. You need to find us on lineage zero and join the pledge it is a great server and has a lot of people on it. Zero works hard on it and I thank him for making a great server. If I can figure out how to post pictures on here I will but every time I try it takes up the whole screen of the picture. I don't know but I will try to post pictures later. But if you like lineage you need to download lineage zero and get it our pledge, it's call The House Of El. My name is imlikeaboss and I'm a level 73 Mage right now. Wisper me on lineage zero!

About leveling...

Leveling on this server is pretty easy until 75. You can hunt tos until level 72 then you have to go to Titan prison. It gives around .03 experience a kill there at level 72 and 73. I am a Mage though so I hunt dragon valley cave and turn the skeletons undead. It gives a little less experience than Giran prison but is a little easier. So you could say they are about the same. We'll guys that's all for now hope I can figure out how to post pictures, go play Lineage Zero and whisper me ImLikeABoss!